Data Sharing With Third Parties


Sometimes we need to share data with authorised third parties, which helps assist you with the best possible care.

Please be reassured that full checks are performed and all are compliant under the data protection act/GDPR

You have the right to opt-out of any of these by submitting a contact-us form submission highlighting which service you wish to opt-out from.

These are a list of third parties we share information with:

  • AccuRx - Text message and email service - receive appointment reminders, general messages sometimes with attachments about your health following consultation with a clinician, or communication with non-clinical staff. Invite to review of your pre-exisiting condition.
  • iPlato - Text message and email service - receive appointment reminders, general messages sometimes with attachments about your health following consultation with a clinician, or communication with non-clinical staff. Invite to review of your pre-exisiting condition.
  • NHS App messaging services - to be able to send you a messages regarding your health via the NHS APP
  • SurgeryConnect - Telephone system - to be able to call patients and external services regarding your health, or to book appointments. Please note: all calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
  • MindfulKidney - For patients with diabetes to be sent a home test kit for ACR urine test.
  • Catch22 - Bowel cancer - for those who did not respond to submit their bowel caer screening test kit, to help encourage uptake
  • EMIS Recruit - Clinical Research for patients who become eligible for these opportunities.
  • Medical Examiners - South East London Coroners office, when a patient passes, further information will be shared to help aid investigation to a patient's death.

Correct as of: 05/04/2023