Housing Letters




Statement on Housing Letters

Amersham Vale Practice recognises that there is a severe housing shortage in Lewisham and surrounding boroughs. To many of our patients this is a cause of frustration, stress, and in many cases, poor health.

However, we ask that you do not ask the GP to provide a letter supporting your housing application. Lewisham Council (and neighbouring councils) have specifically instructed us not to provide such letters (see below).

If you feel your housing application has been mishandled, we suggest you challenge this. One way to do this is to approach the Citizens Advice Bureau. If their solicitors assesses your case and would like a GP to provide relevant medication information, they can - with your prior permissions - write to us with specific questions. The written GP response will attract a nominal fee, which you will have to pay for. This is because, as work which does not fall within the NHS contract, the GP must do this in their own, private time, not within working hours.

Thank you for your understanding

The Partners


Lewisham Housing Applications



If your current accommodation is affecting your health or you want to change your housing situation for health reasons YOU DO NOT NEED A DOCTOR’S LETTER.

You need to complete a self-assessment form which is only available online or directly from the council. A letter from your doctor will not help the process.

If the council are unable to process your application and need further medical information, they will request your written consent and write directly to your doctor in confidence to provide the required medical information.

The Lewisham housing options team can guide you through the process

  • By Telephone: 020 8314 7007
  • Online:  Lewisham FindYourHome
  • In Person: Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, SE6 4RU

Downloadable Forms